
The plugin has been preconfigured with the following:

  mode       : manual    # Sets the 'handler mode'
  locale     : en-US     # Sets the 'default locale' for the site
  data_dir   : locales   # Sets the base location for translation data, within your site's `data_dir`.
  content_dir: _locales  # Sets the base location for placing files to be re-rendered. Ignored in auto mode.
  locales_set: []        # A list of locales the site will re-render files into
  exclude_set: []        # A list of file paths the site will not re-render in "auto" mode.
  • data_dir

    This setting defines the base location for the translation data, within your site’s configured data_dir.

    The value defaults to "locales". This implies that the plugin looks for “translation data” in either _data/locales/ or a data file named locales. e.g. _data/locales.yml or _data/locales.json, etc.

    Irrespective of the format, the data should be a Hash table / dictionary of key-value pairs where the main key should correspond to locale defined in the locales_set array or the default locale en-US, and the subkeys set to string values.

    Example of a single data file corresponding to multiple locales

    # ------------------------
    # _data/locales.yml
    # ------------------------
    # English US
      greeting: Hello
      user: user
        home: Home
        about: About
        contact: Contact
    # French
      greeting: Bonjour
      user: l' usager
        home: Accueil
        about: À propos
        contact: Contacter

    Example of dedicated data files corresponding to a single locale

    # -------------------------
    # _data/locales/en-US.yml
    # -------------------------
    # English US
    greeting: Hello
    user: user
      home: Home
      about: About
      contact: Contact
    # -------------------------
    # _data/locales/fr-FR.yml
    # -------------------------
    # French
    greeting: Bonjour
    user: l' usager
      home: Accueil
      about: À propos
      contact: Contacter
  • content_dir

    Ignored in “auto mode”, this setting defines the base location for placing “the physical copies” of the canonical pages and documents. Refer mode sub-section below for further details.

    The default setting is _locales

  • locales_set

    Empty by default, this setting defines what locales to be used when “localizing” a site. Listing a locale (other than the default locale) will cause the entire site to render for that locale and the default locale while in “auto mode”.

    You may also define this setting as an object with key-value pairs where keys are locale identifiers and values their metadata:

          label: English
          img: img/english.png
          label: Français
          img: img/french.png

    Metadata keys can be any string other than id.

  • locale

    Set to en-US by default, this setting defines the default locale of the site and will not be prepended to the URL of the generated files.

  • exclude_set

    Empty by default, this setting defines what files to be excluded from being duplicated and re-rendered in the “auto” mode. Ignored in “manual” mode.

  • mode

    This setting defines the plugin’s operation strategy.

    When set to auto, the plugin will initialize a generator that will simply duplicate every page and document set to be written to destination, and re-render them into destination, for every locale defined in the localization.locales_set setting.

    This mode will increase your build times in proportion to the total number pages, writable-documents and locales listed but will result in simply the same canonical output and the canonical url prepended with an iterated locale.

    For example, if one were to configure the plugin with locales_set: ["de", "fr", "en-US", "es"], then a file named will result in the following files:

    • _site/about.html
    • _site/de/about.html
    • _site/es/about.html
    • _site/fr/about.html

    Setting mode to any other value will automatically default to "manual" which requires you to create physical files in a special directory (as configured under localization["content_dir"]) to render localized copies.

    Refer the page on manual mode for more details.