Localize Date Filter

Adapted from localize filter by @borisschapira

This plugin provides a localize_date filter to aid in localizing valid date strings. It takes an optional parameter to specify the format of the output string.

The filter technically delegates to the I18n module and therefore requires the translation data to follow a certain convention to pass through without errors.

  day_names        : # Array of Day names in full. e.g. "Sunday", "Monday", ...
  month_names      : # Array of Month names in full. e.g. "January", "February", ...
  abbr_day_names   : # Array of abbreviations of above Day names. e.g. "Sun", "Mon", ...
  abbr_month_names : # Array of abbreviations of above Month names. e.g. "Jan", "Feb", ...
  am: "am"                              # Placeholder for Ante-Meridian
  pm: "pm"                              # Placeholder for Post-Meridian
  formats:                              # A set of predefined strftime formats
    default: "%B %d, %Y %l:%M:%S %p %z" # Used by default if no other `format` has been specified.
    # my_format:                        # A valid strftime format of your choice.
                                        #   Usage: {{ your_date | localize_date: ":my_format" }}


The plugin also places a few conventions to streamline usage:

  • All datetime data should be encompassed under a locale_date key for each locale except the default locale, for which, the datetime data has been set by default. But you’re free to redefine it when necessary.
  • The array of names are filled in by default using values defined in Ruby’s Date class.
  • The array of full day names and full month names have nil as the first entry. So locales for non-English languages should have nil as the first entry. (In YAML, null list item can be written as simply ~)
  • The optional parameter for the filter, format should either be a string that corresponds to the symbol of the formats subkey (e.g. ":default") or a valid strftime format.